It's good to see that North East Lincolnshire Council has
taken advantage of the Government's offer of additional funding in order to
freeze the council tax for another year. This taken in with other commitments
to the area such as the reduction in Humber Bridge tolls, Enterprise Zone
status, the go-ahead for the Immingham by-pass, successful bids to the Regional
Growth Fund and the ability to retain and reinvest some of the income from Business
Rates, has provided a much-needed boost.The Council though must take some blame
for its lack of support to the Tourism Trade. It's of great importance to the
Town and yet NELC's lack of commitment is disappointing. There's been a gradual
lessening of involvement over the years and the demise of the Cleethorpes
Carnival seems to epitomise this.
Though not a 'Council Event' the Carnival relies on their
support and co-operation; Leonor Pidgen and her team have done a tremendous job
in recent years but now they feel unable to continue; now the Council should do
all it can to ensure the event, which gives a real boost to local traders,
continues. Whilst, after many years as a
councillor, I do realise the difficulties in determining spending priorities
and balancing the books many constituents have expressed doubts over some
recent decisions. Because so much council spending is 'ring-fenced' for funding
the Council's statutory responsibilities it does mean that only a few areas of
spending are within the Council's discretion.
The Scottish
referendum on independence is again in the headlines and it prompts the
question as to whether or not it's a decision entirely for the Scots. If the
break up of the Union is damaging surely all citizens of the Union should have
a say in its break-up.
It was good to see the Transport Secretary's intention to
go along to the Network Rail Annual General Meeting and vote against the
directors' bonuses was enough to see them abandon the scheme. More power to her
elbow and I hope more ministers follow her example.
During Parliament's recesses I always like to fit in
visits to parish council meetings. This week I went to one in the north end of
the constituency in New Holland. It's good that so many people are prepared to
give up their time to serve on these councils. Good parish councils can make a
significant difference to our villages. If you've ever complained about your
council at any time --and most of us have - then offer your services to these
councils - they need you.